Social Psychology

Social Psychology Resources


Collected here are articles, links and presentations on experimental psychology,and some related disciplines areas.

All material has been taken from the public domain and is meant for purely non-profit purposes. This page was put together

by Joseph Dodds of Muddum Art Space in August 2007 as a resource for students of the course: 'Social Psychology' at the

University of New York in Prague, but is open for all curious about psychology to use and explore.

See also Psychoanalysis Resources, Experimental Psychology Resources and Living in Social and Political Crisis Resources.


Plan for Remaining Classes

14. Remember, repeating and working through


1. Introduction to Social Psychology

Introduction to Social Psychology

Required Reading: Chapter 1 and 2 in course textbook and handout

Slide lecture: James Neill: Social Psychology: An Introduction (2005), Social Psychology Network,

The History of Psychology, a Comic Slideshow, Gestalt Psychology, Psychoanalysis Resources,

Mark K. Smith: Kurt Lewin: groups, experiential learning and action research (2005),

Albert Bandura, Observational Learning, Evolutionary Psycholgoy Resources,

Operant Conditioning and Behaviorism - an historical outline, APA Monitor: Behaviorism: the rise and fall of a discipline,


2. Research Methodologies and Ethics

Social Psychology 2

Introduction to Research Methods and Experimental Design, The Scientific Method: 1 and 2

Sandra LaFave: Thinking Critically About the "Subjective"/"Objective" Distinction (2006),

Philosophy of Science, Karl Popper Links: 1 and 2. Thomas Kuhn Links: 1 and 2. and 3.

American Psychological Association (APA) Ethical Principlies and Code of Conduct (2003),

British Psychological Society (BPS) Research Ethics and Code of Conduct (2006),

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research, Psi Cafe: Research Ethics,

Roger E. Ulrich: Animal Research in Psychology: An Example of Reinforced Behaviour.

APA Committee on Animal Research and Ethics (CARE),


3. Social Cognition

Socpsych 3

Required Reading: Chapter 3 in course textbook. Plus:

Misleading Questions (Loftus and Palmer). Eyewitness Testimony.

Doug Davis: Freud's Screen Memory

Optional Reading: Sigmund Freud: The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901).

Bugs Bunny Study (2002) Make My Memory: How Advertising Can Change Our Memories of the Past
Kathryn A. Braun, Rhiannon Ellis, Elizabeth F. Loftus

Videos: Dr Phil's Eyewitness Experiment. Bug's Bunny effect. Lost in a Shopping Mall?.

Loftus: Eyewitness Study. BBC: Never Forget a Face?: 1. 2. 3. 4

Social Cognition 1 and 2.


4. Attribution and Social Knowledge

socpsych 4

Bental: Attribution and Depression


5. Emotion and Social Psychology



6. Self and Identity

5. Self and Identity


Mid-term exam

mid term exam


7. Groups, Influence, Compliance and Conformity

Groups and Social Influence

Authority (summary of various experiments), Stanley Milgram's Obediance Experiment, and here

Stanley Milgram: The Perils of Obediance (1974), AUDIO: Psychoanalysis and Democracy (2002)

Walker & Andrade: Conformity in the Asch task as a function of age (Journal of Social Psychology, 1996), Stanford Prison Study

Muzafer Sherif: Conformity-Deviation, Norms and Group Relations (1961)

Michael Sofka: The UFO's of October - The Autokinetic Effect and Group Dynamics in UFO Observations (1999)

Daniel White and Alvin Wang: The The Dark Mirror - UFO's as a Postmodern Myth (1999)

Han-yu Huang: Conspiracy and Paranoid-Cynical Subjectivity in the Society of Enjoyment -

A Psychoanalytic Critique of Ideology





8. Prejudice and Discrimination

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY CLASS READING 2015: Joseph Dodds: What is a Scapegoat? (2008).

Prejudice chapter in textbook.

Simon Clarke (2011): Culture and Identity

McRae and Short (2010): Understanding Groups as Psychodynamic Systems in the Context of Racial and Cultural Factors



Various Sources: History of the Roma in the Czech Republic.

Joseph Dodds: Psychoanalysis of Racism (2006). Robert Young: Projective Space-The Racial Other (1994)

RECOMMENDED READINGS: Robert Young: Ambiguous Space: Projective Identification.

Anthony Elliot: Social theory and psychoanalysis in transition. Deborah Wyrick: Fanon for Beginners.

LINKS: Hilsner Affair (blood libel in 20thC Bohemia). APA Online: Psychology Matters: Segregation Ruled Unequal, and Therefore Unconstitutional. Harvard's Online Implicit Association Tests (IAT). Fear, Race, and the Unconscious(2005). Toma Tomov: Ethnic Conflict and Mental Health (1994). R.D Laing: Politics of Experience. US financial crisis causes spike in online anti-Semitism

Psychoanalysis and the Holocaust. And course: Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights,

The Jewish Holocaust, Holocaust, Hilsner Affair (blood libel in 20thC Bohemia),

Walter Langer: A Psychologial Profile of Adolph Hitler, Stills and text from Nazi Film The Eternal Jew,

Michael Dorland: Psychoanalysis After Auschwitz?: The "Deported Knowledge" of Anne-Lise Stern (2004),

Zdzislaw Jan Ryn: Long-Term Psychological Morbidity of Incarceration in Auschwitz (2000),

Stephanie Dodson: Never Shall I Forget That Night (2000), Holocaust Survival Syndrome, Holocaust Survivors Collected (2007),

Dr George Halasz: Children of Child Survivors of the Holocaust: Can Trauma be Transmitted Across the Generations? (2001).

Oxenberg: Mourning, Meaning, and Not Repeating: Dialogue Between Descendents of Holocaust Survivors and Descendents of Nazis (2003)


9. Group therapy, group analysis, group relations and organizational dynamics

Post-Freudian developments in group analysis group analytic psychotherapy and its application to social phenomena.

REQUIRED READING: Joseph Dodds: Artificial Group Psychodynamics - Emergence of the Collective (2008). Plus Wilfred Bion: Group Dynamics: A Review or Elliot Jaques: Social Systems as a Defence Against Persecutory and Depressive Anxiety.

ROBERT YOUNG:Free online writings: Mental Space (1994) (book. also word). Bion, Groups and Institutions. Fundamentalism and Terrorism. Sectarianism

ONLINE JOURNALS: Free articles and journal issues in Group Analysis: Funzione Gamma Journal. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society Journal. Free Associations Journal. Human Nature Review. Human Relations, Authority, and Justice: Experiences and Critiques.

LINKS/ARTICLES: David Armstrong, W. Gordon Lawrence and Robert M. Young: Group Relations: An Introduction. Group Psychotherapy: Free online articles. OPUS: Listening Post. International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. Terry Birchmore: The Psychodynamics of Scapegoating, Persecution, Bullying (2003). Wilfred Bion. Mythos/Logos. David Armstrong: Making Absences Present: The Contribution of W. R. Bion to Understanding Social Phenomena, Robert M. Lipgar: Beyond Bion's 'Experience in Groups': Group Relations Research and Learning. Hanna Biran: An Attempt to Implement Bion's Alpha and Beta Elements to Processes in Society at Large. W. Gordon Lawrence Won from the Void and Formless Infinite: Experiences of Social Dreaming. Various articles on Social Dreaming


10. Racism and Discrimination 2

6. The psychoanalysis of racism

REQUIRED READINGS: Simon Clarke: From Aesthetics to Object Relations: Situating Klein in the Freudian Uncanny. R.D.Hinshelwood: Intollerance and the Intollerable: The Case of Racism

APA Online: Psychology Matters: Segregation Ruled Unequal, and Therefore Unconstitutional, Harvard's Online Implicit Association Tests (IAT),

RECOMMENDED READINGS: Fear, Race, and the Unconscious(2005), Roma in Czech Republic (2006), Robert Young: Projective Space-The Racial Other (1994), Tirza Leader et. al: Larger mobs carry out more violence (2006), Frantz Fanon (also here + here), Dickens & Flynn: Heritability Estimates vs. Large Environmental Effects: IQ Paradox Resolved (2001), Ainslie & Brabeck: Race Murder & Community Trauma: Psychoanalysis & Ethnography Exploring the Killing of James Byrd, Jasper, Texas (2003), Roma Radio. Brian Kenety: The 'Devouring': A look at the Romani Holocaust (2005). European Roma Rights Centre. Frantz Fanon (1, 2): Black Skin White Masks Quotes. Reciprocal Bases of National Culture and the Fight for Freedom (1959). Benjamin Graves: Black Skin White Masks - Orality as a Function of Both Domination and Resistance (1998). Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask. Renee White: Fanon: A Critical Reader. Joel Kovel: White Racism: A Psychohistory. Simon Clarke: Social Theory, Psychoanalysis and Racism. Farhad Dalal: Race, colour and the processes of racialization: New perspectives from group analysis, psychoanalysis & sociology.                                

FILMS: Stuart Hall: Race The Floating Signifier (2006). A Girl Like Me (article) (2006) (FILM)


11. Chaos and Complexity Theory in Social Psychology


12. Cyber-subjectivity, Virtual Communities & the Internet Unconscious


Why do people go online? What effect does the internet have on our unconscious, identity, and sexuality,

and what can we learn by studying this? Recent psychoanalytic research into the cyber-self, virtual communities,

artificial intelligence and the ‘internet unconscious'. How far can psychoanalysis be applied in cyberspace and how

much does it need to change?

Kimberly Young (2004) Internet Addiction: A New Clinical Phenomenon and Its Consequences

Sherry Turkle: Whither Psychoanalysis in Digital Culture?. An Interview with Sherry Turkle (2008): Always-on/Always-on-you: the tethered self.

Slavoj Zizek: What psychoanalysis can tell us about cyberspace

Videos from the first Engineering and Neuropsychoanalysis Forum (ENF 2007): Simulating the Mind, Neuropsychoanalysis and the Future of AI

LINKS: Haim Weinberg: Group Analysis, Large Groups, and the Internet Unconscious (2006, 1-158). Group Therapy and Group Phenomena on the Internet (2001, 161-173). Community Unconscious on the Internet (2002, 175-190). The Large Group in a Virtual Environment (2003, 226-235). Haim Weinberg and Miki Toder: The Hall of Mirrors in Small, Large, and Virtual Groups (2004, 250-265). Sherry Turkle's ‘Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet’: review 1, 2. Sherry Turkle: The Cyberanalyst. Robert Young: Sexuality and the Internet and Primitive Processes on the Internet. M.Teli, F.Pisanu & D.Hakken: The Internet as a Library-of-People: For a Cyberethnography of Online Groups (2007). Carlyn Keen: On Haraway's 'Cyborg Manifesto'. Ben Davidson: The Internet and the Large Group. Steve Spittle: Is Any Body Out There? Gender, Subjectivity and Identity in Cyberspace. John Suler: The Psychology of Cyberspace. Dryer, J. & Lijtmaer, R. (2007) Cyber-Sex as twilight zone between virtual reality and virtual fantasy: Creative play space or destructive addiction. Civin: On the Vicissitudes of Cyberspace as Potential-Space (1999).Engineering & Neuro-psychoanalysis Forum (articles). Norman Holland: The Internet Regression. Slavoj Zizek: Internet. Is this digital democracy, or a new tyranny of cyberspace?. The Cyberspace Real: Cyberspace Between Perversion and Trauma. Zizek, Flor, Gutmair: Hysteria and Cyberspace


13. Social aspects of mental illness

Social aspects of mental illness

Tony David and Ivan Leudar: Is Hearing Voices a Sign of Mental Illness? (The Psychologist, 2001), Anti-Psychiaty, Rosenhan Experiment

David Pilgrim: Psychiatric Diagnosis: More Questions than Answers (The Psychologist, 2000), David Rosenhan: On Being Sane In Insane Places,

Eving Goffman, R.D Laing: Politics of Experience (ch.1 1967), Zbigniew Kotowicz: R. D Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry (1997),

Michel Foucault (+ texts), Deleuze & Guattari (+ texts), Coercive Treatment and Autonomy in Psychiatry, Survivor/Ex-Patient Movement,

Thomas Szasz: The Case Against Psychiatric Coercion (1997) + Mental Disorders are not Diseases (2000), Involuntary Commitment,

Summary of Szasz' 'The myth of mental illness' and 'The manufacture of madness', PsychRights, MindFreedom, Schizophrenia DSM,

Anorexia info, Em Farrel - Lost for Words: The Psychoanalysis of Anorexia and Bulimia (2000) (book and in Word), MadPride UK,

Jo Nash: Mutant Spiritualities in a Secular Age: The 'Fasting Body' (2006), Homophobia: 'Permissible' Prejudice (1999),

Sharon Farber: Ecstatic Stigmatics and Holy Anorexics (2003), Jules Bemporad: Prehistory of Anorexia Nervosa (1997),

Eating Disoders in the Czech Republic (2006)



14. Information on Final Exam

The final exam will now be simplified. Rather than 10 short answer questions you now have a choice

of writing 2 essays out of the 3 final topics of the course.

1. Groups, compliance, obedience, conformity (lectures 7 and 9)

2. The psychology of racism, prejudice and discrimination.

3. The psychology of the internet and the digital era.
